As soon as you go online, you’ll have access to the following features:
Synchronize your information on over 40 platforms. This means Google, Waze, Bing, Yahoo and more!
Receive and respond to all your reviews on a single platform. In a few clicks, you reach your customers across other platforms.
Generate and increase your number of new reviews via text or email.
Track your Google stats and improve your online reputation.
The following videos offer a step-by-step on how to use all the Buzz features. They’ll help you get the most out of the platform for a better experience.
Find out what the first steps are once you’ve signed up.
Discover the ways you can broadcast your business’ information on more than 40 platforms in just a few clicks.
Watch to see how easy it is to quickly generate and respond to reviews via text or email on Buzz.
See just how fast you can efficiently track your performance indicators on your dashboard.